Rites-of-Passage Ceremonies

Rites-of-Passage Ceremonies have been utilized in every sacred culture on earth to commemorate and honor major moments in one's life as it progresses through time. When we access the Divine through ceremonies in honor of a life change or achievement, it allows us to mark important milestones in a way that we remember and cherish, and thus honor our transformations and growth. This conscious communion with life in turn helps us to experience our own agency and self-acknowledgement, empowering and inspiring us to honor ourself!

TOSW is thrilled to offer various custom ceremonies on an as-needed basis. They include a custom ceremony structure, an educational aspect, and a beautiful and magical environment in which to transform.

Options for ceremonies include, but are not limited to:

1. Major Life Transitions

✦ Blessing Ways / Baby Showers and/or Welcoming Baby Post-Birth
✦ Funerals, including Pet Burials & Deaths
✦ Weddings + Engagements
✦ Divorces or Breakups
✦ Career Changes or Retirement
✦ School Ending or Beginning
✦ Space Healing / Conscecration: New House, or Leaving Old One
✦ Land Connection
✦ And more

2. Rites-of-Passage

✦ Childhood > Adolescence
✦ Adolescence > Adulthood
✦ Adulthood > Maturity
✦ Menarche/Menopause
✦ New Names
✦ Baptisms
✦ And more

Book an intro call with any inquiries or to explore options for your idea(s)!


Book a call To Plan
Your Custom Ceremony!

 TOSW is thrilled to offer these kinds of Custom ceremonies for groups, families, or individuals. We consider it a huge honor to co-create with you to commemorate important times in your life!

If you have an idea or inquiry and it’s for an event at least 2 months out, or if you have
any questions about our rites-of-passage ceremonies in general, fill out the form below.

Please note: As we are often in ceremony or otherwise out-of-pocket generally, responses could take up to a week or longer depending on current circumstances. Please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we can, thank you!